NCIIA joins White House Startup America Initiative

Yesterday, President Obama announced the launch of the Startup America initiative, a partnership of 20 organizations dedicated to increasing U.S. competitiveness. As part of this, our grantee the National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance (NCIIA) will award nearly one million dollars in grants to 23 universities in 14 states over the next two months. The organization expects to fund and mentor an additional 200 student-led innovation teams in the next five years and anticipates the launch of 75 new technology ventures.
The funding builds on NCIIA’s venture accelerator pathway, which has funded and supported over 800 educational programs and student innovation projects at 200 universities, and helped launch over 100 student-originated technology companies.

About the NCIIA
NCIIA achieves positive and sustainable social and environmental impact through technological innovation by providing end-to-end service grants, mentoring and other experiential resources to higher education institutions. With support from The Lemelson Foundation, the National Science Foundation and a membership of nearly 200 colleges and universities from all over the United States, NCIIA engages more than 5,000 student entrepreneurs each year, leveraging their respective campuses as working laboratories and incubators for businesses and ultimately helping them to bring their concepts to commercialization. For more information, please visit
About Startup America
As a part of its efforts to create jobs by investing in creativity and the imagination of the American people, the White House has launched “Startup America,” a national campaign to help America achieve these goals by promoting high-growth entrepreneurship across the country with new initiatives to help encourage private sector investment in job-creating startups, accelerate research, and address barriers to success for entrepreneurs and small businesses. For more information, please see