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Alliance for Tribal Clean Energy

The Alliance for Tribal Clean Energy is an Indigenous-led nonprofit committed to supporting Native American tribes’ transition to a clean energy future.

The Alliance offers no-cost capacity-building and technical and financial assistance, leveraging the power of renewable energy as a tool to diminish poverty in Indigenous communities and mitigate climate change through self-determination. 

The Lemelson Foundation is one of the many philanthropic partners supporting the Alliance’s Indigenous Power and Light Fund, which covers the pre-development costs necessary for Tribes seeking access to federal and alternative funding to develop renewable energy projects on their lands.

The Alliance is led by a team of Indigenous and non-Indigenous energy experts guiding tribes as they catalyze a just transition from extractive and exploitative energy systems.

In 2023, the Alliance presented the inaugural Tribal Energy Equity Summit (TEES), which brought together leaders from Tribal governments and the Federal government, along with other Tribe-supporting organizations. Participants engaged in meaningful dialogue on the systemic obstacles that block Tribal leadership in energy regulation and transmission. The 2024 TEES built on this work, successfully launching impactful collaborations and refocusing efforts on pressing energy issues facing Tribes today.

Read the latest news from The Alliance for Tribal Clean Energy:

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