
  • Inventing Our Future: A National Inventors’ Day Celebration

    Inventing Our Future: A National Inventors’ Day Celebration

    A message from Rob Schneider, Executive Director, The Lemelson Foundation

  • NSF and Lemelson Foundation Launch Joint Awards Supporting Sustainability in Engineering Education

    NSF and Lemelson Foundation Launch Joint Awards Supporting Sustainability in Engineering Education

    The Lemelson Foundation and the National Science Foundation (NSF) announced the first awards in a joint initiative to fund projects supporting the integration of social and environmental sustainability into engineering curricula. Supported in part by a $3 million, three-year investment from The Lemelson Foundation and aligned with the goals of its Engineering for One Planet…

  • Invention Roundup: Inventors Rally in Response to a Health Crisis

    Invention Roundup: Inventors Rally in Response to a Health Crisis

    New products and devices address COVID-19 pandemic The COVID-19 pandemic is igniting a flurry of invention to address urgent issues of prevention and detection and treatment. From multiple efforts to address the need for ventilators to open-source face shields to drones that can detect potential respiratory infection, university researchers, engineers and private entrepreneurs have stepped…