
  • Indigenizing Catalytic Capital

    Indigenizing Catalytic Capital

    First Peoples Worldwide (FPW) studied the role that catalytic capital plays in “forwarding self-determination and non-extractive investing” for Indigneous Peoples in the United States. “Native Peoples have built economic power; Native businesses are flourishing; and there are ample opportunities to fund successful Native enterprises both on and off reservations,” according to the new report, Indigenizing…

  • Funding trends 2024: Climate change mitigation philanthropy

    Funding trends 2024: Climate change mitigation philanthropy

    The report traces the evolution of climate philanthropy and highlights ways to support bold climate action. Visit Website

  • AR6 Synthesis Report: Climate Change 2023

    AR6 Synthesis Report: Climate Change 2023

    The IPCC finalized the Synthesis Report for the Sixth Assessment Report during the Panel’s 58th Session held in Interlaken, Switzerland from 13 – 19 March 2023. Vist Website

  • ACE/CIRCLE: Growing and Diversifying Youth Climate Activism

    ACE/CIRCLE: Growing and Diversifying Youth Climate Activism

    The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) and Action for the Climate Emergency (ACE) partnered to examine how climate-focused organizations can reach a wider diversity of young people, both to strengthen their efforts and to deepen youth civic and political engagement. Download PDF

  • Clear Path to A Clean Energy Future

    Clear Path to A Clean Energy Future

    This second edition of “Clear Path to a Clean Energy Future” updates the inaugural edition, tracking the power sector, clean technology, and policy trends in America. In our previous report, we identified that utility commitments contribute to significant additional reductions in emissions beyond what was projected in our reference case. Still, underinvestments in new technologies…

  • Insurance and climate risks: Policy lessons from three bounding scenarios

    Insurance and climate risks: Policy lessons from three bounding scenarios

    This report identifies policy lessons based on the investigation of three bounding scenarios designed to address the question of how near-term (1 to 3 y) policy and regulatory choices surrounding insurance markets in Florida could influence medium-term (3 to 15 y) risk levels, disaster recovery, housing markets, and local economic outcomes. Visit Website

  • Sustainable Cooling for All in Kenya

    Sustainable Cooling for All in Kenya

    Cooling and cold chains are vital for healthcare and vaccines, for nutrition and agricultural value chains, for thermal comfort at home, work, school, in transportation, and for industrial processes and data centres. Affordable and sustainable cooling is essential for a thriving society and a healthy nation, sitting at the intersection of the Paris Climate Agreement,…

  • The Engineering for One Planet Framework

    The Engineering for One Planet Framework

    This draft curricular framework for the Engineering for One Planet (EOP) initiative from the Foundation and VentureWell will help accelerate integration of environmental and sustainability principles in engineering education. Visit Website

  • Teaching Environmentally Responsible Inventing – Higher Education Environmental Landscape Research & Analysis Phase I

    Teaching Environmentally Responsible Inventing – Higher Education Environmental Landscape Research & Analysis Phase I

    This qualitative study identifies best practices in teaching Environmental Responsibility to inventors and innovators in higher education. Download PDF

  • Inventing Green: A Toolkit for Sustainable Design

    Inventing Green: A Toolkit for Sustainable Design

    This toolkit prepared by VentureWell helps early-stage inventors understand how the lifecycle of their products will affect the environment. Visit Website

  • I2E Inventing Green Tool

    I2E Inventing Green Tool

    NESsT provides an online tool that simplifies the process of assessing and tracking environmental impact for companies in the U.S. and developing countries that have started early production and sales and are validating or preparing to scale. Visit Website

  • Business Sustainability Booster (BSB)

    Business Sustainability Booster (BSB)

    Presidio Graduate School’s Business Sustainability Booster (BSB), an extension to the well-known “Business Model Canvas” (BMC), guides leaders of startups and existing enterprises through a set of questions to make their business models more socially, environmentally and economically sustainable. Visit Website